Dear readers, I hope you’re staying strong and safe amidst this coronavirus crisis.
Times like these are important to think and evaluate some of our decisions in the past and what could’ve been done differently to achieve a better outcome.
As you can see from the table below, I’ve decided to include Grupeer in my blacklist, as it appears to be another scam, and I don’t have much hope (even though hope is said to be the last to die…) in getting my money back.
It is starting to seem that this Crowdlending adventure didn’t go as I expected.
Therefore I’d like to reiterate (like in previous posts) that I’m only depositing more into these types of investments when it finally becomes regulated and financially supervised by external entities.
Until then, I’ll try to reduce my portfolio to a small %, yet to be decided. I’ll also start learning and thinking about different ways to diversify my portfolio outside crowdlending.
Platform | Portfolio Value | Monthly Profit | Total Profit | XIRR |
Mintos | €2093.54 | €23.26 | €190.86 | 11.20% |
Swaper | €682.92 | €16.68 | €136.65 | 12.21% |
PeerBerry | €1721.53 | €21.03 | €121.24 | 12.06% |
Robocash | €587.73 | €15.96 | €97.22 | 10.42% |
Iuvo Group | €394.54 | €2.68 | €6.64 | 13.30% |
Crowdestor | €1321.61 | €0 | €21.61 | 3.46% |
Lendermarket | €200 | €3.53 | €3.96 | 10.68% |
Kuetzal | €0 | €0 | -€200 | N/A |
Envestio | €0 | €0 | -€200 | N/A | Grupeer | €2699.01 | €0 | -€2699.01 | N/A |
Total | €7 005.83 | €83.14 | -€2520.83 | 7.3% |

Mintos did a live stream with the title “Ask Mintos Anything” where investors had the chance to put up their questions which would then be answered by Mintos’ CEO.
Mintos also decided to apply to a European investment firm and electronic money institution licenses, which I think is the right step to take considering recent events.
They also did a survey containing a population of 2000 investors which showed interesting results. It seems like the majority still look for opportunities in a disrupted market.
Mintos‘ loan originators GetBucks Botswana and Zambia, Expresscredit Zambia were suspended from the Primary and Secondary Markets due to failing to fulfil their payment obligations to investors.

In one of Swaper’s updates, investors received information about the numbers of the company that matter, such as net profit or assets.
They also said that an audit to the company is predicted to be taken at the end of May 2020 and that the results will be sent to the investors. This is a good step taken by Swaper because at this moment what investors need is to regain their trust with the p2p platforms.

I also could withdraw more than 1000€ so it is likely for the monthly income in Swaper to decrease significantly.

PeerBerry did a bold campaign during April to increase all the current investor’s investments (and new ones made in April) to +1.5%, fixing this profitability for 1 year.
Either PeerBerry is very confident about their financial situation, or they’re taking a big risk in difficult times. The time will say.

Robocash conducted a survey that showed that 43% of P2P investors trust platforms with their own or fellow loan originators. You can it more in-depth here.
It is also curious that I had a bigger interest income this month (when I withdrew half of my portfolio) than last month.
Well, there’s no graph for Crowdestor as payments from borrowers are paused because of this pandemic.
Some changes happened in Crowdestor during this month: Artur Geisari, co-founder and CEO of Monify joined as Head of SME.
Artur Geisari, our new Head of SME. Artur is a financial expert with over 15 years’ experience. He is an author of the book “Sober Gorilla” – a step-by-step guide on how to write a business plan. He runs seminars for small-medium sized business owners and helps them to improve their business. He is an entrepreneur with vast experience in different business areas. And he is co-founder and CEO of Monify – a quickest and most technologically savy SME lender in Baltic States and Poland. And the story behind why he decided to partner-up with CROWDESTOR is even more fascinating than the fact that he is joining us.
In the previous month, Crowdestor also did a survey for investors to decide how the payment of borrowers should be made in the near future. The most voted option was the expected:
This means that CROWDESTOR will generate a differentiated model of interest repayment for the Recovery period in each project depending on the actual situation of the Borrower.
Iuvo Group

Iuvo Group posted an official statement of its originators in regard to this pandemic.

Lendermarket launched new investment offers from Credistar Sweden and Credistar Denmark.
Have a nice month everyone!