Who Am I?
I’m Pedro Carolina and my mission is to create the School of Freedom. I started this project when I was 25 years old in 2019. I’m not financially free yet, but my vision is to achieve freedom by 2030 or less (it can be much less depending on your net income) while helping others to accomplish their goals along the way.
Why Am I Creating This Blog?
The School of Freedom has started in August 2019 and its goal is to help all the people in the world becoming better versions of themselves.
My mission is to prove to EVERYONE it is possible to achieve financial independence, no matter who you are, how many expenses do you have, or where you’re from IF you decide to take the right steps and mindset from this very moment.
I started planning this promising adventure at the end of 2018 after becoming a father. I had to change my mindset if I wanted to achieve financial freedom for my family and myself. What better way to do that, than by sharing my path with all of you?
This blog also serves as a nice place to follow-up my investments.
Last but not least, life is supposed to be lived to the fullest. The first step is to make your head clear about what your vision is.
Good Habits
I also learned that achieving financial freedom is not going to be a fast process unless you win the lottery or have an amazing idea. Excluding these and a few others, it is only possible IF you are capable of having healthy habits throughout your life. To achieve financial wisdom you must NOT spend what you do not have and you SHOULD put a little of your income EACH month into investments. Even though it looks easy, many people are simply not aware of this because no one taught them.
Growth Mindset
Each failure is exciting if you learn from it. It means I am one step closer to my goals and to my vision – to help other people achieve financial freedom.
To accomplish this I need to keep improving at my current job in IT while investing in Crowdlending.
If you’re in a similar situation as I am and you believe in the same things, I hope you will enjoy being part of this story – soon to become our story.
Why Stocks?
I was always interested in money since I was a little kid. My family used to call me “Tio Patinhas” aka Scrooge McDuck.

Therefore, I decided to start taking some online courses concerning the Stock Market and also Forex Trading because I wanted to understand better how the world economy and companies “work”.
This is a continuous process and I’ll obviously keep improving my game, as well as controlling my emotions – a MUST in these kinds of investments (for either negative and positive outcomes).
Why Cryptocurrency?
Unfortunately, I believe we live in a broken financial system where we don’t have any influence in the rules of the game. Inflation is here to stay, making our money worth less throughout time.
That’s the main reason I am interesting in investing in cryptocurrency, no middlemen, only code running and making the contracts between people with full transparency.
The future is promising and great things are yet to come.
How Much Will I Need To Achieve Financial Freedom?
I will need at least €2000 per month to achieve my dream.
Take everything I say in this blog as a piece of advice. I am not a finance nor life expert even though I’m constantly working to become a better version of myself.
All the reviews I made are 100% impartial and based on everything I learned from my own experience and by reading other reviews.
If you have any questions or advice to the School of Freedom, please contact me through my email address: pedro@schooloffreedom.eu