Hello everyone, hope you had a safe and profitable month.

By looking at my monthly returns, it seems that the platforms are having more delayed payments, has the returns decreased a little bit.

Are we headed to another economic crisis, or this is just a one time situation?

What other type of investments are you in? Please share in your comments below your strategies, it’s always interesting for me to learn about other perspectives.

Platform Portfolio Value Monthly Profit Total Profit XIRR
Iuvo Group€422,05€2,23€35,589,25%
Neo Finance€154,38€0,88€-5,62N/A%
Total€5 823€38,65-€1923,49,41%

*Obs: Don’t make the same mistakes I did if you’re about to start Crowdlending investments by reading 7 things you should know before investing in P2P.


The income was slightly slower than the previous month. Let’s see if these delays are to be continued or if it was a one time situation?

kviku monthly income - school of freedom

If you’d like to know more about my Kviku performance, feel free to take a look at my review page.


I’d like to highlight a post by explorep2p about how much money will Mintos investors lose on defaulted loans.

They’ve also updated their loan originators ratings, I encourage you to take a look at it to avoid any surprises

mintos monthly income school of freedom

If you’d like to know more about my Mintos performance, feel free to take a look at my review page.


swaper monthly income - school of freedom

If you’d like to know more about my Swaper performance, feel free to take a look at my review page.


peerberry outstanding portfolio

PeerBerry keeps growing despite all the difficulties in the past year. Good indicators, definitely.

peerberry monthly income - school of freedom

If you’d like to know more about my PeerBerry performance, feel free to take a look at my review page.

Iuvo Group

iuvo group monthly income - school of freedom

If you’d like to know more about my Iuvo Group performance, feel free to take a look at my review page.


robocash monthly income - school of freedom

If you’d like to know more about my Robocash performance, feel free to take a look at my review page.


crowdestor monthly income school of freedom

If you’d like to know more about my Crowdestor performance, feel free to take a look at my review page.

Neo Finance

neo finance monthly income - school of freedom

Obs: The income was negative in the beginning due to the use of the provision fund which I decided to test (a strategy that I ended up changing).

If you’d like to know more about my Neo Finance performance, feel free to take a look at my review page.


Lendermarket “mother” company has shared its quarterly results. You can check it here.

lendermarket monthly income - school of freedom

If you’d like to know more about my Lendermarket performance, feel free to take a look at my review page.

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